Lois Hoag as I knew her was from Lawncrest. She lived on Hasbrook Ave. across from the rec. We went to Franklin school at Cheltenham & Rising Sun Aves. Our class was about 36 kids. I was only in Lois's house once. It reminded me of my house but a little nicer. I know she lived there with her older sister & her dad. Not sure about her mom. I noticed her phone had a lock on the dial , I guess that was better than our house which had no working phone. Like a lot of kids back then we were a product of parents who lived thru the depretion and also WW2. Then I noticed the pad lock on the frig that was a 1st. After Franklin we went to Creighton for 7th & 8th. Lois got on the track team I think doing relays (she was fast). Then to Olney , we were in the same advisory & went our seperate lives. I talked with her about 15 -20 years ago and she sounded just like a kid. She worked on Rising Sun Ave. about a block from Franklin School. I met her grandmother in the late 60s . She had a candy store in Feltenville on Wyoming Ave. The kids in that neighborhood called her Nellie. About a year ago my aunt (who is 85) said when she was a kid the store was called Hoagies . Small world , She will be missed by all who knew her . Your friend Mike
I have a question about Lois Hoag did she graduate with us?? I remember her and the candy store in Wyoming Ave. Called Nellies. Lots of good memories and penny candies.
I forgot to mention that Lois passed on or around Dec. 12, 2017. Lois and I were out of touch in high school . Looking back we both should have studied more. I know I missed the graduation ceremony , I had to go to summer school at North East and graduated in August.
Her name sounds familiar, but I just can't place her - so....... I'll have to look for my class yearbook and look her up. I'm so sorry to hear we've lost another one of our classmates. May she rest in peace. Kathy Wells
Michael Hofkin
Lois Hoag as I knew her was from Lawncrest. She lived on Hasbrook Ave. across from the rec. We went to Franklin school at Cheltenham & Rising Sun Aves. Our class was about 36 kids. I was only in Lois's house once. It reminded me of my house but a little nicer. I know she lived there with her older sister & her dad. Not sure about her mom. I noticed her phone had a lock on the dial , I guess that was better than our house which had no working phone. Like a lot of kids back then we were a product of parents who lived thru the depretion and also WW2. Then I noticed the pad lock on the frig that was a 1st. After Franklin we went to Creighton for 7th & 8th. Lois got on the track team I think doing relays (she was fast). Then to Olney , we were in the same advisory & went our seperate lives. I talked with her about 15 -20 years ago and she sounded just like a kid. She worked on Rising Sun Ave. about a block from Franklin School. I met her grandmother in the late 60s . She had a candy store in Feltenville on Wyoming Ave. The kids in that neighborhood called her Nellie. About a year ago my aunt (who is 85) said when she was a kid the store was called Hoagies . Small world , She will be missed by all who knew her . Your friend Mike
Madeline McGruddy (Gentry)
I have a question about Lois Hoag did she graduate with us?? I remember her and the candy store in Wyoming Ave. Called Nellies. Lots of good memories and penny candies.
Michael Hofkin
I forgot to mention that Lois passed on or around Dec. 12, 2017. Lois and I were out of touch in high school . Looking back we both should have studied more. I know I missed the graduation ceremony , I had to go to summer school at North East and graduated in August.
Kathleen Wells (DeAngelis)
Her name sounds familiar, but I just can't place her - so....... I'll have to look for my class yearbook and look her up. I'm so sorry to hear we've lost another one of our classmates. May she rest in peace. Kathy Wells